Recensies 'The End of Sitting, Outstanding Landscape of Affordances':
“Much contemporary workspace is the result of lazy thinking and is making us ill… RAAAF recently proposed a radical, conceptual alternative.”
— Wired USA
“The Weirdest Proposal Yet for the Office of the Future. RAAAF turned in blueprints for “The End of Sitting,” a glacier-like series of boulders and surfaces that would replace traditional office furniture. The maze-like series of angled and tapered frames create an infinite number of leaning spots, for workers of any height.”
— The Huffington Post
“In The Office Of The Future, You Will NEVER Sit Down. We all know that sitting at a desk all day can kill. So what if we just banned chairs at work altogether? The experiment took things a step further by actually hosting real workers over several days. The professionals performed a variety of tasks, including designing, writing and sketching.”
— Science Alert
Welcome to the office of the future. Are plain old standing desks about to become a thing of the past… already?
— De Groene Amsterdammer
Een kantoorlandschap dat beweging uitlokt. Zien we daar de toekomst van ons werk verbeeld? Dat zou heel goed kunnen. De omgeving waarin veel mensen werken verandert ingrijpend. We staan nog maar aan het begin van een radicale verandering.
— Medical Daily
“Office Space Reimagined: ‘The End Of Sitting’ Art Installation Offers an Alternative. Maybe we’ll never see — or live to see — workspaces reimagined in theway ‘The End of Sitting’ shows, but the premise is striking.”
— NRC Handelsblad
“Dit is je nieuwe kantoor”
— De Morgen
“De klassieke kantoorstoel is een monster. RAAAF ontwikkelt met ‘The End of Sitting’ een werkruimte die je dwingt om je benen te strekken.”
— Vrij Nederland
"Nooit meer zitten. The End of Sitting moet juist het zitgedrag van de Nederlandse kantoorklerk aan de kaak stellen. Hoognodig."
"Het einde van het zitten is aangebroken, vanaf nu hangen we op kantoor"
"Radikaler Entwurf. Ohne Tische und Stühle: Sieht so das Büro der Zukunft aus?"
Um escritório onde a regra é não trabalhar sentadoNo espaço, não há mesas nem cadeiras, mas rampas e plataformas onde as pessoas podem se recostar ou trabalhar em pé
"From studies on affordances in dynamic systems theory we know that offering a large variety of affordances can help create an environment that invites roaming withina certain area."
"The studio presented a 40-foot “cutout” of The End of Sitting at this year’s Chicago Architecture Biennial, and is working on yet another revelation, this time underground.... In the end, the genius of RAAAF is in its strategic interventions that, though small, invite viewers to imagine a completely different way of living."
Meer publiciteit:
>>> CNN
>>> Chicago Tonight TV (1.10 -2.05 min)
>>> Academic journal Sports Medicine
>>> Arch+ Magazine
>>> Wallpaper
>>> Trailer State of the Art of Architecture
>>> Chicago Tribune
>>> Curbed
>>> World Architects
>>> Archdaily
>>> Chicago biennale
>>> Monopol
>>> DAMn
>>> Design Indaba
>>> Alston Thompson
>>> Journal of American Institute of Architects
>>> Wired USA
>>> NRC Next
>>> Vrij Nderland
>>> AT5 TV
>>> Telegraaf TV
>>> Volkskrant
>>> De Morgen
>>> 360 Magazine
>>> The Pop-Up City
>>> de Standaard
>>> Wired DE
>>> Archdaily
>>> Architectenweb
>>> Archdaily
>>> Dezeen
>>> Designboom
>>> Science Alert
>>> Sports Medicine
>>> Bilan FR
>>> World News
>>> Fastcodesign
>>> NOS
>>> Wired JP
>>> Hexapolis
>>> Focus DE
>>> Repubblica IT
>>> Folha de S.Paulo
>>> O Globo BR
>>> CREE
Eerdere publicaties animatie 'Sitting Kills':
>>> Co.Exisit
>>> la Repubblica
>>> World News
>>> Designboom
>>> Curbed
>>> De Architect
>>> Archready
>>> Frameweb
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