Zes nieuwe lezingen in Mexico City, Maastricht, Antwerp, Utrecht, Cuernavaca
Sept 05 - Bureau Europa, Maastricht - Title: 'Hardcore Heritage'
Sept 08 - Flemish Chief Government Architect - Heritage, Antwerp - Title: Hardcore Heritage
Sept 08 - Night of Architecture - End debate - Antwerp
Sept 14 - Amsterdam Academic Club, Title: 'Constructed Images of the Future'
Sept 28 - UAEM, Cuernavaca, Mexico. Title: 'Architecture, Art & Affordances'.
Sept 25 - 4E Cognition Group, UNAM, Mexico City. 'Title: The Skilled Intentionality Framework'
October 4 - International Cognitive Sciences Colloquium, Mexico City.
Title: 'The Landscape of Affordances'. Link: http://cinccouaem.wixsite.com/4tocoloquiocc/programa