“Vacant NL, where architecture meets ideas” wins Rotterdam Design Prize 2011
From the press release of Museum Boijmans van
Rietveld Landscape's installation Vacant NL has
become "winner of the Rotterdam Design Prize 2011 with simple means and
complex content. In this project the broad approach to the notion of design,
which is manifested by all nominees, comes together. The project displays a
social and cultural approach, integrates several disciplines, and links forms
of design to cooperation with a variety of parties. Also, the manifesto offers
a vision: it is successful as visualization, installation and political
statement. It is expressly not a once only event. This nomination stays close
to the foundations of design; it is a physical experience with a direct and
clear impact.”
Previous winners were i.a. Roelof Mulder (1993), NL Architects (1999), Hella Jongerius (2003) and Joost Grootens (2009).
Rietveld Landscape (curator), Ronald Rietveld, Erik Rietveld,
Jurgen Bey, Joost Grootens, Saskia van Stein,
Claus Wiersma, Barbara Visser
Opbouw tentoonstelling: Landstra & de Vries
>>> Rotterdam Design Prize 2011
>>> Rotterdam Design Prize Jury report (summary)
>>> Rotterdam Design Prize Jury report (total report)
>>> Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
>>> Vacant NL, where Architecture meets ideas